3 Ways to Remotely Maintain Your Show Control System
Everyone is finding ways to work differently during this time, including maintenance for their control systems.
Justin Ochsner on 6/3/2020
Categories: Pro Sports and Colleges

This spring has certainly been an interesting one. It has ushered in the postponement of sporting seasons and other live events, if they haven’t been canceled altogether. Many people are working remotely during this time, including control system operators, which leads to some creative solutions for making it happen.
So, let’s take a look at a little spring cleaning that you can do when it comes to your Daktronics Show Control system while using remote access. This will give your system a little TLC and have you ready for when events are back on schedule.
1. Button Check
Run a button check on Display Studio to bring up a report of broken buttons. Clean up anything that comes back in that report so you’re ready with working buttons for your events.
2. Create Hot Keys
Look through your common commands. Anything that you do frequently that doesn’t have a button? Create one for it! It will make things easier for you in the future.
3. Organize Buttons
Take advantage of the workspace and container features. Create a logical workflow within those workspaces and containers for your venue and events. You might have had some turnover in staff. Even the event you host may have changed. Use this time to reorganize so you’re cleaned up and ready to roll.
Taking advantage of this event downtime can lead to a streamlined and efficient workflow for when your live events come back online. You might as well capitalize on it!